Duncan Ponting duncan at whomwah.com
Tue Apr 11 01:50:27 PDT 2006

I'd second that. This is the first meeting I'd been too, and it was  
great to hear Chad speak about his experience's with Ruby and of  
Rails. I particularly liked the whole hate him / love him angle he  
took when explaining how DHH and Rails has helped raise the profile  
of the Ruby community.

I look forward to the next meet up, and seeing some actual 'stuff'  
people are doing.

-- Duncan 

On 11 Apr 2006, at 07:00, Tiest Vilee wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I'd like to thank Chad Fowler for a great chat last night;  his  
> talk was
> full of humility and insights into the changing world of Ruby as  
> seen by
> an 'old timer' :-)
> And a big thank you also goes to Dean Wilson for providing the  
> venue, it
> was just the right size.
> Talking of venues, Wendy Devolder of SkillsMatter (the group that Chad
> is doing his RoR training for) has offered us their room from next
> month.  Their office is just off Old street, about 5 minutes from the
> tube.  It seems like a good partnership to me, so if no one objects I
> will contact her tomorrow to organise things.
> I thought that maybe we might start making the meetings a little more
> regular, such as the 2nd monday of every month (which was last night).
> This would make it the 8th of May for the next meeting.  Again, if
> people think this is alright then that's what I'll organise with  
> Wendy.
> Finally, Rob and I thought we might get together to throw together  
> a bit
> of a website now that we have a more regular venue/time and can fit
> enough people.  Maybe write it in Why's teeny webframework, just to be
> different :-)
> Tiest
> -----------------------------------------------
> And on the pedestal these words appear:
> "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
> Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"
> Nothing beside remains: round the decay
> Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
> The lone and level sands stretch far away.
>  -- Shelley
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Duncan Ponting

mobile.   +44 (0) 7780 662035
email.    duncan at whomwah.com
web.      www.whomwah.com
skype.    duncanponting

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