[LRUG] Fwd: Next Meeting

Eleanor eleanor at goth-chic.org
Wed Mar 15 00:33:20 PST 2006

On 15 Mar 2006, at 06:51, Tiest Vilee wrote:
> Who's up for it - seems we've all been to busy and have missed a  
> month.
> Do we want to have one in the next couple of weeks, or is that too  
> soon?
> I'm thinking Monday the 27th or there abouts.

I'd like to make it along to the next one having missed February's.  
The middle of that week would be better for me thanks to other  
commitments (wednesday 29th maybe?).

> And who's up for a presentation?

I'd love to, but nearly everything I'm currently working on is  
covered by NDA's so I'd have to kill you all afterwards ;D


Eleanor McHugh
Senior Software Developer
Games With Brains

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