[LRUG] Convincing a bank to use Ruby

Eleanor eleanor at goth-chic.org
Fri Mar 17 05:04:02 PST 2006

On 17 Mar 2006, at 09:38, Ben Gimpert wrote:
> A classic but guerilla technique is the "quick prototype:"  Code your
> first draft of the next BIF (Big Important Feature) in Ruby.  To the
> Pointy Hair, justify doing this quick prototype with hip blather about
> XP, Agile, unit testing, blah blah.  Once its done, ask the Pointy  
> Hair
> if a rewrite into Java (or whatever) should really be prioritized...
> This technique assumes you're sole developer on the BIF, which is a
> big assumption.

Have you been spying on me? This is exactly how I pushed Ruby into  
being the *only* development language at my current employer. Of  
course it does rely on having developers on team who are willing to  
get up to speed at short notice - a concern that was expressed to me  
by my colleagues - but once they spend a week or so getting used to  
the Ruby Way [tm] they don't want to switch back :)


Eleanor McHugh
Senior Software Developer
Games With Brains

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