[LRUG] Topic for Next meeting

Tom Ward tom at popdog.net
Wed May 17 02:59:55 PDT 2006

There are loads of techniques we take for granted in ruby that must
seem strange to those just learning the language.  Many of these are
hard to grasp just from reading the pickaxe or other books. I'm sure
there are also tricks that even experienced rubyists wont have seen (I
don't know them yet, I'll try and research some).

I'd be happy to show and explain some common ruby idioms, right from
the very basic (e.g. loop iteration) to the more complex.  Hopefully
this would serve as a good introduction to the ruby way of thinking
for beginners, while experts should get something out of it too,
particularly if we discuss as we go along.  What do people think?


On 5/17/06, Tiest Vilee <ruby at tiestvilee.fastmail.com.au> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> We should start thinking about what we want to do for the next meeting
> (scheduled for the 12th of June).
> Does anyone have something they'd like to talk about?
> Also, there seemed to be quite a few people with limited Ruby
> experience, do some people want a bit of an intro or something?
> It was also proposed that we could do a 'tutorial' style thing with
> people doing some coding during the meeting, or even a 'hack night'
> where we get together and see what we can hack up in a few hours.
> So, what do you guys think/want.
> Tiest
> (Oh, and Alec, sorry for not saying goodbye on Monday night, my curfew
> was close so I had to rush home)
> -----------------------------------------------
> And on the pedestal these words appear:
> "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
> Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"
> Nothing beside remains: round the decay
> Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
> The lone and level sands stretch far away.
>  -- Shelley
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email : tom at popdog.net

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