[LRUG] Topic for Next meeting

Tiest Vilee ruby at tiestvilee.fastmail.com.au
Sun May 21 23:12:17 PDT 2006

That sounds great Benj, I'm sure people would like to see what you've
got.  BTW, have you had a look at Mongrel?

I hope I didn't come across as being rude/forceful etc in my last email,
I apologise if I did, you know how emails are.

Would people be interested in looking at a whole unfinished/experimental
DSL for finite state machines?  I could compare it to 'finite state
machine generator'.

Also, any comp sci heads out there want to talk about continuations?  I
figure if they can have a talk about it at the RubyConf then we can have
a talk about it here :)  Also Monads, Functional programming etc

We could also have a general forum about various topics, I'd be
interested in finding out about what 'real object oriented programming'
is - Tell, don't Ask and all that


On Sun, 21 May 2006 21:24:28 +0100, "Benjohn Barnes" <benjohn at fysh.org>
> Okay :) After an unveiled hint... I'd be very happy to do a talk  
> through of something neat about Ruby. It's a talk I was going to give  
> at work. I'd give you a really noddy demo of Ruby's socket handling.  
> I'm not Ruby guru, and I'm no socket Guru, but I reckon that I could  
> do a nice demo. It'd probably be ideal if we could have a small  
> number of laptops on a WiFi network, and I think we could probably  
> build a very simple collaborative talker server. Anyone interested?
> If it's only going to be two people, I'll just pull out my laptop  
> some time and show you how easy it is. If it's going to be a few  
> more, I'll try to plan something a bit more involved, and it'd be  
> great if someone else could write it up somewhere; perhaps bosh it on  
> Ruby garden. Sound reasonable? :) Dreadful idea? Totally the wrong  
> level to pitch at?
> Cheers,
> 	Benj
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And on the pedestal these words appear: 
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: 
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains: round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, 
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
 -- Shelley

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