[LRUG] Topic for Next meeting

Matt Jones matt_binary at yahoo.com
Mon May 22 06:21:11 PDT 2006

This is the kind of thing I'd like to discuss.  One of
the things that makes Ruby interesting is that it has
an incredibly slick object model but also powerful
functional programming abilities.  How do these two
sides interact?  I'd be interested in looking at to
what degree functional programming changes what we
really need from OO.

--- benjohn at fysh.org wrote:

> >
> > That sounds great Benj, I'm sure people would like
> to see what you've
> > got.  BTW, have you had a look at Mongrel?
> I've come accross it. I don't actually use Ruby
> (atm) for web scripting,
> so Mongrel's not in my immediate locus of attention
> :)
> What I had in mind was a fun and easy setting for
> trying to show a few
> reasons why I like the language.
> > I hope I didn't come across as being rude/forceful
> etc in my last email,
> > I apologise if I did, you know how emails are.
> :) Not at all.
> > Would people be interested in looking at a whole
> unfinished/experimental
> > DSL for finite state machines?  I could compare it
> to 'finite state
> > machine generator'.
> >
> > Also, any comp sci heads out there want to talk
> about continuations?  I
> > figure if they can have a talk about it at the
> RubyConf then we can have
> > a talk about it here :)  Also Monads, Functional
> programming etc
> I am (among other things) a comp sci, and I'm proud
> of it. Those are
> interesting topics, and various approaches would be
> amenable to doing
> them.
> > We could also have a general forum about various
> topics, I'd be
> > interested in finding out about what 'real object
> oriented programming'
> > is - Tell, don't Ask and all that
> If you don't ask, you wont get told?
> Wish I new. Personally, I think OO's realisations
> are flawed. Class
> hierarchies seem to model the universe in quite a
> brittle way, and
> tucking state away in objects seems brittle too.
> What OO does get right (absolutely spot on, IMHO) is
> that it's really
> useful to have a context (an object) within which
> you can ask abstracted
> questions ("What colour are you?") or make a change
> ("I change your
> state to being an email that is ready to be sent!").
> I question the
> mechanism that makes that work: classes,
> inheritance, virtual functions,
> multi methods, state stored in frames...
> ...But I'm at a zero beer level at the moment, so
> I'm not in the right
> mood for a fight about it :)
> Cheers,
>   Benj
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