[LRUG] Microformats on lrug.org

Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 04:34:23 PST 2006

After some effort on James's part to confirm that no it can't be done
without customising Markdown and then him manually creating a hcarded list
for me (thanks James!).  I went off and created a plugin for radiant to do
it instead (so if any-one noticed the lrug site bouncing up and down, it was
me failing to write ruby code that parses on the first attempt).


Markdown: * (name)[url] (6 chars.  Shame it doesn't provide hcard-ed output)
Hand-coded: <li class="vcard"><a href="url" class="url">name</a></li> (50
chars... ouch!!)
Radiant tag: <r:hcard fn="name" url="url" /> (24 chars... a massive 52%
saving, giving me at least 1 year extra before the RSI really kicks in)


Also the hcard tag I wrote has support for nicknames (useful to know
someone's irc nick or web2.0-social-taggy-ratey-sharey-site user-names
perhaps?) and photos, if any one cares to provide such things.


On 15/11/06, James Darling <james at abscond.org> wrote:
> I said the something about Microformats, and it would be good.And indeed,
> where is the fun in not doing it in markdown.
> And seeing as I've spent quite a bit of today rugby tackling bluecloth
> into submission, I'll give it a go
>  [image: photo] James Darling <http://absconddesign.com> Abscond Design
> james at abscond.org 07811407085
> AIM/iChat
>  Rose Cottage
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> Cornwall
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> UK
> On 15 Nov 2006, at 17:07, Murray Steele wrote:
> Someone said something about Microformats (http://microformats.org/).
> So I thought I'd have a look at sticking hCard info (http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard
> ) onto the member page.  Except.. it's a bit hard to do with Markdown (e.g.
> as far as I can tell, impossible) which is the filter we are using on that
> page.  I thought about using Textile, but can't work out the * and () voodoo
> I'd need to use to get <ul><li class="vcard"> as *(vcard) gives you <ul
> class="vcard"><li>.  Bah!
> So, a call out to all the textile / markdown users out there.  Any one
> know if it can be done.
> Also, the lrug.org site users Radiant CMS (http://radiantcms.org/ ) so a
> second call goes out to the radiant cms users out there, anyone know of any
> plugins for it that'll let it do microformats in a non-painful way?  There's
> a microformats helper for RoR (http://blog.labnotes.org/2006/08/25/microformats-helper-for-ruby-on-rails/)
> but I don't think Radiant pages get evaluated as rhtml and thus can make use
> of ruby code (anyone know any different?)
> Muz
> ps. Yes I *could* use raw html, but it's an awful lot of typing, and I'm
> reet lazy me.
> pps. Yes this e-mail probably contains more typing than it would have
> taken to do the microformats in raw html, but where's the challenge in that?
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