[LRUG] Weird gem issue

Paolo Donà paolo.dona at seesaw.it
Tue Nov 21 01:49:23 PST 2006

Hi guys,
I've got a problem installing some gems:
eg: I wanna run a jabber bot I just wrote (gtalkerence.rb).
It uses facets and xmpp4r so I did:

$ gem install facets
$ gem install xmpp4r
$ ruby gtakerence.rb
gtalkerence.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load -- facet/string/brief
        from gtalkerence.rb:1

It doesn't find the libraries I just installed.
Just for reference these are the gtalkerence.rb's first lines:

require 'facet/string/brief'
require 'xmpp4r'
require 'yaml'

I've seen that inside the gems folder there are some setup.rb files...
C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\xmpp4r- 0.3\setup.rb

I just tried to launch them manually (shouldn't it happen automatically at
'gem install' time?) and then I relaunch my bot:

$ ruby gtakerence.rb
GTalkerence: a GTalk ruby bot
subscribers:paolo.dona at seesaw.it, ...

It does work now... but why?

My conclusion is: 'gem install' does not properly terminates the
installation of some libraries, I have to launch setup.rb to finish its
I thought it was my windows environment, but that happened to a friend of
mine on a Mac too...

Do you have an explanation for this weird behavior?

PS: I've got a fresh ruby 1.8.5 installation (from

Paolo Dona'
SeeSaw | Another point of view
paolo.dona at seesaw.it
personal http://paolodona.blogspot.com
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