[LRUG] FYI: Ruby for Symbian OS Released

Matthew Westcott matthew.westcott at torchbox.com
Tue Nov 21 07:10:08 PST 2006

On 21 Nov 2006, at 12:58, Murray Steele wrote:

> I remember there being a big song-and-dance-routine in the Python  
> community a few years ago when Nokia* did the same for Python.  And  
> yet for all the hoo-ha, I can't think of anything good / useful /  
> big coming out of it for the Python community.

I'm no authority on the subject (my own mobile phone is firmly stuck  
in the 20th century), but one of my colleagues uses a set of  
homegrown Python scripts to talk to a GPS unit over Bluetooth, to  
record tracks for uploading to OpenStreetMap. So, it does have its  
uses, albeit not necessarily ones that will help to sell Crazy Frog  

It's also come in handy as a random number generator on pub lunches  
to decide who's going to write the pub review for  
cotswolds.openguides.org ...


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