[LRUG] On learning Ruby/Rails

James Darling james at abscond.org
Thu Oct 19 02:31:56 PDT 2006

I felt that the project you make in 'Agile Web Development with  
Rails'  was quite good at teaching me and making something along the  
way. I did that and dived straight into using RoR for a client,  
nothing like the deep end to learn to swim. I wouldn't really  
recommend that though, It was not a time sensitive project.

One of the best part of ruby for me is the readability, and hence the  
easiness to learn from other peoples code, and less time spent trying  
to figure out what your doing (counting brackets, searching semi- 

I therefore would call Ruby (and rails) and very 'deep-endable'  
language. Just do one of those things on your to-do list, like a  
personal site custom CMS, or maybe a to-do list.

James Darling
Abscond Design
james at abscond.org
Rose Cottage
Gwavas Road
TR18 5EG

On 19 Oct 2006, at 10:19, Pierre Nel wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm from a PHP background, and bought Ruby for Rails: Ruby Techniques
> for Rails Developers   and Agile Web Development with Rails (2nd
> Edition), and I've probably watched all the screencasts, and tried a
> few of the examples. In a practical sense, I'm guessing the best way
> to actually learn a language is to try and do something with it -
> other than the usual "Create a Blog in 5 Minutes" tutorials.
> Does anyone have suggestions on little projects to try, to slowly
> increase my familiarity with Ruby & RoR? Something I bit more involved
> than creating a blog, and less involved than some crazy API mashup :-)
> Also, does anyone have any tips regarding "unlearning" all the awful
> PHP I'm familiar with, especially it's awful OOP mode, which I never
> really got to grips withl, so I can start afresh with RoR instead?
> Thanks!
> Pierre
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