[LRUG] Friendly Faces?

Robert McKinnon rob_m_mckinnon at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 27 03:32:24 PDT 2006

--- Jon Lim <snowblink at gmail.com> wrote:
> In the interest of being a less stealthy group and to make the
> website a bit more interesting:
> Would people be willing to put their photos and/or bios on the
> website?

I've compiled a list of people's blogs to put up on the LRUG site. To
be listed, please email me:

 1) your site's URL

 2) text for link, i.e. funky combo of your name or pseudonym, and/or
blog name

I've already found blogs/sites for the following LRUGers. Please let me
know what the link text should be, or if you don't want to be listed:

  Murray Steele
  Tom Armitage
  James Adam
  Luke Redpath
  Ben Griffiths
  Tom Ward (is it ready for action Tom?)
  Jonathan Lim
  Eleanor McHugh
  Jonathan Conway
  Gavin Bell
  Michael Studman
  Paul Battley
  Richard Livsey
  Damien Tanner
  Matt Westcott
  Matthew Patterson
  Dan Webb
  Richard Livsey


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