[LRUG] April Meeting - 16th April - Lineup?

Jonathan Leighton turnip at turnipspatch.com
Mon Apr 2 10:19:37 PDT 2007

I will definitely be there that evening so if we want to do that REST
discussion that's fine by me...

On Mon, 2007-04-02 at 15:03 +0100, Murray Steele wrote:
> Hi again,
> As it's a bit closer to the 16th of April we should probably nail down
> the contents of the meeting.  So, anyone any firmer on if they'll be
> available or willing to do something?
> Muz
> On 19/03/07, Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         The April LRUG meeting will break from our 2nd Monday of the
>         month routine to avoid clashing with Easter Monday, and will
>         be on the 16th of April, not the 9th.  Jonathan Lim has
>         created an Upcoming event for your calendar subscription
>         pleasure ( http://upcoming.org/event/165162/), but there's
>         scant few details about content as yet.  Based on what's
>         bubbling around the list we might have one or more of the
>         following: 
>         * A discussion about REST (see this thread:
>         http://lists.lrug.org/pipermail/chat-lrug.org/2007-February/000916.html or this follow up one: http://lists.lrug.org/pipermail/chat-lrug.org/2007-March/000981.html )
>         * Another round of code-review (people seemed keen on making
>         this a regular part of the meetings, and we didn't get through
>         all the bits submitted) 
>         * A talk about Lucene / Ferret / Solr (David Townsend put
>         himself forward for this)
>         * Something about RSpec (nobody really volunteered themselves
>         for this, but people seem interested and it's worth suggesting
>         again just in case) 
>         * Paolo's talk about TabNav that we missed from February
>         (assuming he's still interested in giving it).
>         Is there anything else?  Clearly we won't do everything in
>         April, but it's good to have options as they'll spill over
>         into future meetings. 
>         There's good groundswell for the REST discussion, who wants to
>         be on the "panel" or host it?  Jonathan Leighton or Eleanor
>         seem like ideal candidates as you guys were the most vocal on
>         those threads, is there anyone else? 
>         Cheers,
>         Muz
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Jonathan Leighton, Web Developer
Portfolio: http://jonathanleighton.com/
Personal: http://turnipspatch.com/

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