[LRUG] Agenda for REST discussion tonight

Jonathan Leighton turnip at turnipspatch.com
Mon Apr 16 02:36:11 PDT 2007

Hi guys,

I've written up the following rough bullets about what we might talk
about tonight, so start thinking about what your thoughts are ;)

* DRYness issues - Repetition across controllers
* Non-CRUD actions and semi-colons in URIs (no longer in edge)
* Implementing search - On the list it was suggested to make a search a
resource itself, so have a SearchesController
* Pagination and how it affects XML etc - do you return *every* record
for wants.xml?
* Nested resources - problems/thoughts?
* ActiveResource - problems/thoughts?
* REST and Single Table Inheritance
* RADAR (RESTful Application, Dumb-Ass Recipient) - Proposed by Dave
Thomas. Basically a core REST server (sending just XML?) which can talk
to clients directly, and a HTML proxy which deals with the specifics of
using the app through a browser.

If anyone thinks there is anything to add, please fire away.

See you there,


Jonathan Leighton, Web Developer
Portfolio: http://jonathanleighton.com/
Personal: http://turnipspatch.com/

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