[LRUG] apache 2.0 + mongrel

Geir Freysson geir.freysson at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 01:09:42 PDT 2007

What about the mongrel and production logs, what do they say?


On 4/25/07, Andrew Watkins <andreww at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using a mediatemple server, and I'm hosting a rails application using
> apache 2.0 that forwards to a mongrel cluster that, for testing purposes,
> only has 1 mongrel server going.  Almost every night, the mongrel instance
> inexplicably dies and has to be restarted.  Has anyone else had this
> experience or know of a solution?
> I am not using pstore to store sessions (using the db)
> I've set the mysql timeout to 7200 (in my environment.rb)
> as far as i can tell, its not using a ton of cpu or memory (11% memory)
> Apache, gives this error message:
> [Wed Apr 25 10:39:06 2007] [error] [client] proxy: error
> reading status line from remote server localhost
> [Wed Apr 25 10:39:07 2007] [error] [client] proxy: Error
> reading from remote server returned by /
> Andrew
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