[LRUG] It begins!

Suw Charman suw.charman at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 03:53:48 PDT 2007

I like this idea too, but I fear I am too much of a novice, even for
this! But perhaps if we can settle on some prior reading - achievable
by next month - and then maybe those of us who feel too unsure can
just do the basics, and those who have apps where they are stuck can
get help. I mean, with learning it's always horses for courses - what
works as a learning method for some people doesn't work for others. We
just have to ensure we have enough people willing to teach!

On 4/18/07, Peter Jones <peterbjones at yahoo.com> wrote:
> An alternative would be for the Rails beginners to
> start building their applications using some of the
> getting started books, and get as far as they can
> before they get stuck. Then if we bring in our
> applications and go through them in a small beginners
> group with an experienced rails person, we could
> explain to each other what we have been building
> (which may be educational in its own right) and then
> the the expert could explain how to handle the problem
> encountered.
> The big problem I have been facing is that as a
> relative beginner, working on my own, it is very
> difficult to make progress once I get stuck. I would
> jump at the chance to explain to a group of beginners
> what I have been doing and then have an experienced
> person comment on it so that I and other beginners can
> learn from their experience.
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