[LRUG] It begins!

Alex Pounds alex at alexpounds.com
Wed Apr 18 04:59:19 PDT 2007

On Wed, April 18, 2007 12:34 pm, Peter Jones wrote:
> I have always decided against posting questions on
> this list as I don't feel it would be appropriate.
> What would we need to do to start this off?

Well, to try and hit both points ("What Rails stuff would members like to
cover?" and "Could someone ask some questions to the list?") I present a
couple of issues I'm looking at in my current Rails project(s).

1. I want to let people tag stuff in my app. There are at least 3 tagging
solutions out there: acts_as_taggable, acts_as_taggable on steroids, and
has_many_polymorphs. Which should I use and why?

2. I want to start letting people upload photos to the project. What should
I use and why?

I'm pretty sure I know the answers to these, and the implementation details
are covered in the docs for the relevant parts, but it might be a good
starting point - especially as both of these things are fairly common parts
of websites and don't get any coverage in the beginner's books...

Alex Pounds (Creature)                  .~.         http://www.alexpounds.com/
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"Variables won't; Constants aren't"   /(   )\

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