[LRUG] Anyone fancy working with me on some projects?

Dan Webb dan at danwebb.net
Thu Aug 2 04:37:20 PDT 2007

Hello Everyone,

I'm getting a lot of work in at the moment and have lots lined up over
the next few months (and probably extending out until the next
internet bust) so I was just wondering if there are any freelancers
around to assist.  It would be a working at home gig so it doesn't
matter where you are.  Basically, I'd subcontract you on behalf of my

The projects I've got on are all smallish to medium sized Rails
projects that are fairly heavy on JavaScript/Ajax but I'll cover that
stuff so it doesn't matter if you're not a master in that area.  Most
of the projects are quite cool with decent clients and I can do you
decent rates.  I do need experienced people though and I will beat you
up if the work's not good enough :)   It would be a bonus if you've
got skillz in DB/server admin and/or TDD/BDD.

So yeah, let me know if you're interested.


Dan Webb

Event Wax (http://www.eventwax.com)

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