[LRUG] Setting default roles in a user record

John Winters john at sinodun.org.uk
Tue Aug 7 07:35:49 PDT 2007

Daniel Lucraft wrote:
> --- John Winters <john at sinodun.org.uk> wrote:
>> I thought I'd solved it by adding the relevant code
>> to the 
>> after_initialize callback in the User model, like
>> this:
>>    def after_initialize
>>      for role in Role.find(:all)
>>        if role.default_value
>>          self.roles << role
>>        end
>>      end
>>    end
>> but although that seemed to work correctly I
>> realised after a while that 
>> the roles were being added every time a user record
>> was accessed, not 
>> just when the user was first created.
> Then how about this?
>    def after_initialize
>      unless self.id
>        for role in Role.find(:all)
>          if role.default_value
>            self.roles << role
>          end
>        end
>      end
>    end

Brilliantissimum.  Ta muchly.


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