[LRUG] Speaking at the next meeting

Jay Phillips jicksta at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 16:16:22 PDT 2007

Hey guys/blokes/chaps/mates,  ;)

I'm Jay Phillips -- creator of the open-source Adhearsion project  
written in Ruby. I'm an American who'll be in town for a consulting  
gig for most of this month starting this coming Saturday. On Friday  
I'll be speaking at the Ruby Hoedown in Raleigh about my project and  
would like to give you guys my presentation on the following Monday.

Adhearsion is basically a framework the vastly improves VoIP  
development using Ruby's many strengths. It employs a few DSLs I  
wrote to make the awful world of Asterisk or Freeswitch development  
actually enjoyable. The end effect is easy utilization of this  
powerful VoIP technology that so many people take for granted.  :)

More information:

  - My blog: http://jicksta.com
  - Adhearsion website: http://adhearsion.com
  - O'Reilly article: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/etel/2007/06/19/ 
  - Linux Journal Magazine article: http://www.linuxjournal.com/ 
  - Ruby Hoedown http://rubyhoedown.com

Let me know what you guys think  :)


Jay Phillips

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