[LRUG] Rails Hosting

Craig Webster craig at xeriom.net
Wed Aug 15 01:36:01 PDT 2007

On 15 Aug 2007, at 08:05, Tim Harding wrote:
> This all got me thinking about hosting and production environments  
> in general and what the state of the art is.
> Where do you guys host your apps? How much does it cost?

I'm a bit biased, but I use a VM from Xeriom[1]. For managing the  
deployment, I use a customised Rubaidh Platform[2] deploy recipe.

[1] http://xeriom.net/virtual_machines
[2] http://svn.rubaidh.com/plugins/trunk/rubaidh_platform/

Craig Webster   | Lead Developer   | skype: craigwebster
Xeriom Networks | t: 0131 208 3800 | w: http://xeriom.net/

  -- Virtual machines, dedicated servers and colocation --

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