[LRUG] graphics with ruby?

Justin Lawerance Mills JLM at justinfront.net
Sun Dec 30 10:50:30 PST 2007


Friends have told me to wait for Leopard to be more stable I'm still  
on Tiger, I have not actually tried ruby since I moved to the mac, I  
presume I can download and configure ruby with rubycocoa?

Doing a game in Ruby would be cool I have written a flash one, sounds  
interesting, do you have things like 'tweens' and 3d like in  


On 30 Dec 2007, at 18:21, Jon Wood wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> I don't have any experience using Rails with Flash, however if you
> want to do graphics stuff on your Mac I can vouch for RubyCocoa, which
> is now installed by default on any Mac OS box running Leopard.
> I'm developing a simple game using it at the moment, and it's the
> first time in years I have really enjoyed GUI programming! It often
> makes me think of Visual Basic, without being forced to do everything
> in such a horrible language.
> There is a bit of a learning curve, as the documentation for Cocoa is
> all aimed at Objective C users, but once you learn to transpose the
> concepts to  Ruby it's surprisingly simple.
> Jon
> On 30 Dec 2007, at 13:31, Justin Lawerance Mills <JLM at justinfront.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am a newbie and not backend skilled so be gentle.
>> I am not really a Ruby user yet more of a Ruby and Rails reader and
>> watcher over quite awhile now ( before rails was really in ), I have
>> been reading a few books on the area over time, and have played with
>> instant rails, typo and rforum briefly but never really got going.
>> At the moment I am half way through a really good book on Ruby..
>> Design Patterns In Ruby - Russ Olsen ( Addison Wesley )
>> I would recommend it to anyone interested in Ruby or in Design
>> patterns and anyone with some code who wants to learn some ruby.
>> Anyway as a flash dev/design type, I am most interested in graphics
>> related programming across platforms and possible use of ruby along
>> side flash.
>> So I wondered what experiance and advice people in the group have had
>> with:
>> 1) Integrating Rails with adobe flash.
>> 2) Cross platform ( mac atleast ) graphics animation interaction RIA
>> ruby use, if any exists?
>> 3) 3D graphics with ruby
>> 4) IronRuby and silverlight (I learnt a lot of XAML while on a
>> contract, but C sharp is not a language I am keen to learn, but
>> IronRuby/IronPython on a mac seems interesting )
>> 5) AIR and Ruby.
>> I know that unless I can do some cool graphics stuff on my mac (or
>> poss my vista partition), and can get it setup easy I am not going to
>> really get into Ruby, so advise welcome. At the moment I use textmate
>> for any coding, but I am not sure how to get ruby to run direct from
>> it.
>> Direction and advice welcome
>> Cheers
>> Justin
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