[LRUG] Dumping A Database Ruby-Style

Andrew Stewart boss at airbladesoftware.com
Tue Dec 4 03:48:53 PST 2007


I need to dump a (smallish) MySQL database so I can import the data  
elsewhere.  The trouble is I don't control the database and don't  
have sufficient privileges to execute the mysqldump command.  Here's  
what happens:

$ mysqldump -ufoo -pbar -x my_database > dump.sql
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'FLUSH TABLES': Access denied; you need  
the RELOAD privilege for this operation (1227)

Is there a pure Ruby way, ideally a Rake task, to dump all the data?   
And a corresponding one to load them in another instance of the  

Thanks and regards,
Andy Stewart


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