[LRUG] Future participation (Re: Next Month - Call for participation)
Chris Parsons
chris at edendevelopment.co.uk
Fri Feb 16 04:04:08 PST 2007
I've got a couple of short talks up my sleeve, but I think I'd like
to wait until I've been able to attend at least one meeting before
giving a talk! I'm planning on coming next month - couldn't Monday
due to my car being smashed into by someone not looking properly
before pulling out in front :-(
Anyway, if anyone was interested, I could probably talk at some
future point about the Invoice DSL [1] (how Ruby is *just great* for
DSL coding), or about Pin in the Map [2] (how Rails helps you write
apps that just fill one simple need *really* quickly, what this could
mean for the future of web apps).
If these subjects aren't of interest, no worries, but I thought I'd
offer in any case.
[1a] http://blog.edendevelopment.co.uk/articles/2006/10/03/domain-
[1b] http://blog.edendevelopment.co.uk/articles/2006/10/05/invoice-
[2] http://pininthemap.com
Chris Parsons
Director, Eden Development (UK) Ltd
chris at edendevelopment.co.uk
0845 0097 094
po box 425, winchester, so23 0wy, uk
Tried Pin in the Map? Mark a map location, add text, send to friends.
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On 16 Feb 2007, at 11:02, Murray Steele wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was thinking about next months meeting, and wondering if rather
> than saying "Hey, who wants to do a talk?", it might be an idea to
> find out what people are interested in hearing something about.
> Maybe then someone will say, "Oh, I know a bit about that, I'll say
> something. I'd have suggested it myself, but I didn't think anyone
> would be interested."
> I'm also quite interested in the suggestion Tom Armitage made about
> short "lighning-talk" style presentations, as I think they'd open
> up the floor to more lively debate. Let's face it, with only 5
> minutes you've got to be opinionated as you ave no time to explain
> your reasoning and that's bound to cause some sparks in a way that
> a 15 minute presentation where you can explain yourself more
> clearly wouldn't.
> So, with that in mind, feel free to suggest topics big and small.
> To get the ball rolling I'd be interested in:
> * RSpec - how does it differ from bog-standard Test::Unit and,
> perhaps most importantly, how it should it's pronunciation differ
> from "Arse Peck" to avoid embarrassment.
> * inject() - people are always harping on about how amazing and yet
> underused this method is. You've got 5 mins; prove it!
> * Piston and/or svk - there's a lot of buzz about these, anyone
> care to give a little "vendor" demo?
> So, anyone else?
> Muz
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