[LRUG] Disrespectful cron

Dominic Mitchell dom at happygiraffe.net
Wed Feb 14 10:07:54 PST 2007

Andrew Stewart wrote:
> On 13 Feb 2007, at 16:41, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
>> If that's a log file, you probably want to say:
>>   /usr/bin/ruby /home/deploy/cron_test.rb >> /home/deploy/cron.log
>> Otherwise each run will wipe out the previous file.
> Excellent point.  However, in this case, I don't mind what's actually  
> in the output -- I was just looking for some output to be generated  
> to determine whether or not cron was running my job.

One more thing -- that only redirects stdout.  You may also want to 
redirect stderr to the same file:

   /usr/bin/ruby /home/deploy/cron_test.rb >> /home/deploy/cron.log 2>&1


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