[LRUG] [Chat] IronRuby

Matthew Westcott matthew.westcott at torchbox.com
Tue Jul 24 02:47:21 PDT 2007

On 24 Jul 2007, at 10:24, Anthony Green wrote:

> ------ Forwarded Message
> Microsoft made the first "pre-alpha" release of IronRuby (Ruby  
> on .NET) yesterday.

"Today's IronRuby drop is still a very early version, and several  
language features and most libraries aren't implemented yet (that is  
why we are calling it a "pre-alpha" release)."

Hmm... so these days "pre-alpha" means beta, "alpha" means release  
candidate, "beta" means stable, and "stable" means "oh my god, you're  
still using that obsolete piece of junk?" That's inflation for you...

At this rate we'll have to start inventing new Greek letters for the  
really experimental stuff :-)

- Matt

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