[LRUG] IronRuby - beware

John Scholes j3s1c4 at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 27 07:17:45 PDT 2007

So just to be clear, you Ian are the Ian Cooper of the London. NET User 
Group. You are a MS Certified Professional and make your living 
primarily doing consultancy on MS products. Is that correct? None of 
that, of course, invalidates your opinion on IronRuby.

Obviously, if you are primarily a MS developer, you are not too worried 
about how the licence position on DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime) ends 
up. But if you are primarily an open source developer, it seems to me a 
dangerous route to go down, given MS's long history of trying to 
"embrace, extend, extinguish" technologies they do not control.

John Scholes

Ian Cooper wrote:
> In the interests of dispelling any FUD about IronRuby. It will have an open source licence (even if it is Microsoft permissive), it will be accepting non-MS contribs (libraries first, language once DLR extensions to CLR are stable), be hosted on RubyForge, and target the current verion of Ruby. You will be able to use Subverion to access the source repository. 
> Yes if you use CLR libraries you will need to run on the CLR, but the same affinity applies to JRuby on the JVM. In fact any use of a library ties you to that library and there are well known solution designs to ameliorate that.
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