[LRUG] Brightbox Hosting - Beta accounts available to active Ruby/Rails projects...

James Adam james.adam at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 09:06:20 PDT 2007

Jeremy Jarvis of BrightBox (http://www.brightbox.co.uk) has contacted
me to find out if anyone is interested in helping beta-test their new
Ruby on Rails hosting environment.

They've put together a Xen-based hosting package - have a look at the
details on their site, but it seems like a very generous setup.
Anyway, I asked Jeremy what sort of project that he's looking to work
with during this beta test period - if any of you guys feel the
description matches you to some extent, or would like to know more,
get in touch with him at the beta request email
(beta-req at brightbox.co.uk):

 "... participants might fit most of these:

  1) Developing in rails almost exclusively for new projects.
  2) Currently hosting or looking to host in the next 3 months at
least one production rails app.
  3) Experience of deploying rails to a production environment
  4) Decision-maker, casting vote or have at least a major say in
where apps are hosted at their company or agency.
  5) Has an active rails-focused blog.

  This is what we're suggesting for our beta program:

  * participants tell us about their app and their current setup/experience
  * if accepted we'll give them a free brightbox to play with
  * we'd expect some quality feedback/suggestions in return :)
  * should participants want to signup when we go public, we'll give
them an attractive discount (tbc) and priority accounts"


* J *

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