[LRUG] Monday Night: Code Katas [please read]

Suw Charman suw.charman at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 08:54:19 PDT 2007

Thanks for running this, Tom. I found it very useful, even though I am
new to all this.

Could I make a suggestion that we do it again? Might be worth doing it
as a separate thing, so that we can devote a bit more time to it, and
maybe be a bit more organised. I think it would be good to structure
the groups a little more, so that we have a good mix of novice and
experienced people in each group, and to have a longer discussion.
More space might also help. Finally, might be worth doing more
abstract stuff than doing coding stuff, given the time constraints
it's easier to talk about models and such than it is to code (and i'm
not just saying that because I can barely do 'hello world' right now).

Anyway, thanks again!


On 6/10/07, Tom Armitage <tom at infovore.org> wrote:
> Hello all!
> This has turned out a bit last minute. Apologies, for various reasons.
> Tomorrow night we're going to be practicing two code katas as a
> group. I have no idea if this will work out, but I think it's worth a
> shot. One of them involves writing no code, and is a discussion of
> modelling and OO. The other will involve coding two simple scripts.
> The goal of these exercises - as katas - is _not_ to get the right
> answer as fast as possible. They're not meant to be too much of a
> challenge. They're more useful as a form of lightweight exercise, to
> stretch the mind whilst doing things which are comfortable and familiar.
> I'm going to suggest we do these in small groups - groups of four
> would be ideal - so that we can spread ability (but not put experts
> in with total beginners), generate some discussion, and make enough
> headway on the exercises.
> So: if people want to team up with other LRUGers, I suggest arranging
> it via this mailing list. If you want to work with someone else, but
> don't know any LRUGers, it's a good time to wave hello, and proffer a
> rough guide to your abilities (so people grouping with you know).
> We'll have Wifi, so the Pickaxe will be to hand - you won't need
> anything outside the standard libraries, though.
> Also: it would be helpful if people who might have laptops there
> (which is a high proportion, I'd guess) could make themselves known -
> we only need one laptop per group (you can take it in turns with the
> keyboard) - but I don't want anyone to miss out.
> And finally: could anyone who's going to have a laptop please
> download these two files:
> http://tomarmitage.com/tmp/weather.dat
> http://tomarmitage.com/tmp/football.dat
> you're going to need them. I'll have copies with me if people forget,
> but being prepared is a good plan.
> So: does this all sound OK to people? Raise your hand if you've got
> any questions. And then let's cross our fingers for tomorrow night...
> t.
> ---
> Tom Armitage
> tom at infovore.org
> 07813 060578
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