[LRUG] another beginner.. ruby but not rails

Chris Parsons chris at edendevelopment.co.uk
Fri May 4 02:06:46 PDT 2007

On 3 May 2007, at 18:51, graham wrote:

> How do people feel about this? Is it a case of 'if you want to use  
> ruby
> on the web you're wasting your energy not using Rails'? Or do I just
> need to refine my google skills? or just bring some code to the next
> ruby meet ;-) ?

I'd recommend using Rails exclusively for Ruby on the web, but learn  
pure non web Ruby before moving to Rails. The Ruby Quiz[1] is quite good
for standalone ruby solutions to coding problems, or you can pick a  
task you might have done in perl and start solving it in Ruby. Make  
sure you've
worked through this online book[2], too.

IME a strong non-web Ruby background really helps when it comes to  
tidy and expressive Rails code.


[1] http://rubyquiz.com/
[2] http://ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/

Chris Parsons
Managing Director
Eden Development (UK) Ltd

chris at edendevelopment.co.uk

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