[LRUG] Strategy for learning a new language

James McCarthy james2mccarthy at gmail.com
Thu May 17 09:54:05 PDT 2007


That will have some info on it. We have an exercise to accomplish as  
a group, and take 5 minutes at a time in pairs to work on the same  
code base. I tend to go along if the language isn't Java!


On 17 May 2007, at 17:45, Jon Wood wrote:

> What is a coding dojo? It sounds like it could be fun, and I live
> within striking distance of Brighton, so I might head down and check
> it out.
> Jon
> On 17 May 2007, at 17:42, James McCarthy wrote:
>> 2 absolutely, it helps if you need something at the end of it.
>> In Brighton we also have a coding dojo which makes trying out new
>> languages fun.
>> On 17 May 2007, at 17:38, Piers Cawley wrote:
>>> On 17/05/07, Daniel Lucraft <dan at fluentradical.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> While we're on the subject of learning languages, which do people
>>>> think
>>>> is the best strategy:
>>>> (1) Doing little fizz-buzz problems and exercises for a while,
>>>> (2) Jumping in at the deep end with a large project, that is
>>>> actually
>>>> useful to you.
>>> 2. With maybe the tiniest sprinkling of 1 once I start to get a feel
>>> for how the language works in the large.
>>> A big project and an itch that needs scratching is a powerful
>>> motivator to learn. I start mucking about with fizz buzz type
>>> problems
>>> once I know the language well enough to start having fun in it.
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