[LRUG] [accu-general] Ruby on Rails help

Alec Ross alec at arlross.demon.co.uk
Thu Sep 27 03:51:51 PDT 2007

Thanks Craig,

Yep AWDR was one of the books I've suggested.

I'll copy your reply to Simon.

Thanks again,


In message <3BAFCB4E-18C0-4989-BFC5-D918C2FACACE at xeriom.net>, Craig 
Webster <craig at xeriom.net> writes
>On 27 Sep 2007, at 10:27, Alec Ross wrote:
>>   ------- Forwarded message follows -------
>> From: "Simon Sebright" <simonsebright at hotmail.com>
>> Date: 27 September 2007 09:08:34 BDT
>> First of all, can anyone recommend good books on both Ruby and Rails?
>Agile Web Development is quite a good intro.
>   http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/title/rails/
>> Secondly, for anyone who is in the know, I am trying to create my
>> own example and have a piece of functionality I want to run from
>> both a controller task and a rake task (I don't know what the
>> latter actually is!).  I have written the function in the rake
>> file, but ideally want to extract it to somewhere I can include in
>> the controller file as well.
>> How do I actually do that?  The rake task, as the book explains
>> already loads ActiveRecord and "the environment", which I need.
>> How do I do that, I wonder?
>Sounds like it should go in a model. A bit more detail - roughly what
>the functionality should be - would help me provide an example.
>Craig Webster   | Lead Developer   | skype: craigwebster
>Xeriom Networks | t: 0131 208 3800 | w: http://xeriom.net/
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Alec Ross

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