[LRUG] Rails : Drying Up Views

Timothy Cowlishaw timcowlishaw at gmail.com
Sun Sep 30 12:34:34 PDT 2007

On 11 Sep 2007, at 20:29, Paolo Donà wrote:
> It's not a framework though...  so I'd be interested in  Tim's  
> work  to see if we can someway  share ideas about a more general  
> widget implementation.
> Tim: do you have public code I can check out?

heh, well it's my colleague Matt's work rather than mine really  
(Matt, are you on this list yet?), but if he's on here perhaps he can  
provide a more detailed explanation - it is essentially a system of  
defining reusable UI widgets as Ruby classes (which can have  
associated partials, CSS and Javascript files) and can take  
advatantrage of Ruby's class heirarchy to share code between widgets  
and avoid repetition. Matt's going to do a talk on it at the November  
LRUG meeting, I believe, and we're going to work on abstracting it  
out into a rails plugin and making it available sometime soon -  
hopefully before November - will keep you updated if you're interested!



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