[LRUG] London Web Week

Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 13:10:36 PDT 2008

It's been announced: http://www.londonwebweek.co.uk/

Whilst doing the dishes (I'm so rock and roll) I had an idea for an event
that might fit in with LWW.  I freely admit that it might be awful or overly
complex but please bear with me.

Web Framework Code-off!

There are loads of web frameworks, and we'd all like to know what the
differences are between them so we can choose which one to use in our next
app.  So the simplest solution to this would be to have someone talk about
each one.  Taking it a little bit further, seeing a real app built with each
framework would be nice.  Of course, seeing the *same* app built with each
framework would be even better.

I imagine something like this: teams of 4 would pick a web framework and
register their participation (so we don't have everyone using the same
framework).  On a Friday afternoon (probably the weekend before the first
weekend of LWW) the web app to be built would be announced and come the
following Monday afternoon the teams would submit their code.  The code
would be made available online for perusal and at some point later during
LWW all the teams would get together and talk about their chosen frameworks
in them context of their solution.

Note - there's nothing about this idea that demands the frameworks be
ruby-based.  We could easily open this up to involve the other language user

Does this even sound remotely like a thing people would want to participate
in or attend?


On 30/03/2008, Murray Steele <murray.steele at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Patrick Griffiths has been in touch with me asking if LRUG would like to
> host an event during London Web Week.  In his words LWW is:
> a collection of events that will be taking place between the 26th May and
> > 1st June this year.
> >
> > The line-up so far includes BarCamp, @media 2008, a WSG evening event, a
> > microformats/semantics evening event, a conference for web design beginners,
> > and several purely social events/parties.
> >
> > The idea is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, that
> > each event within London Web Week will gain wider exposure, and hopefully
> > web design and development (and best practices within them) will also gain
> > wider exposure in themselves.
> >
> It sounded pretty good and couldn't hurt for us to be involved in some
> way, so I got some more info about what kind of event he'd like us to
> organise:
> the idea was for each event to be autonomous and to run as they
> > would normally, so, in your case, the usual thing - something for the
> > Ruby community rather than making a special effort to attract people to
> > it (not that that couldn't be achieved too, of course).
> >
> > There will be lots of different events going on, so hopefully there will
> > be things to appeal to people from lots of different backgrounds, but I
> > think if we attempt to make all events all things to all people, it
> > would probably be a mistake.
> I would suggest Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening. There are other
> > events happening these evenings, but not ones that would have too much
> > crossover (mostly being front-end development related).
> >
> So, first things to note are that this week doesn't fall into our 2nd
> Monday of the month routine, in fact it's right slap in the middle of our
> usual schedule.  So one of our normal meetings won't naturally fall during
> LWW, so we'll have to think about an event to put on (if we want to).  The
> second thing to note is that there's the potential for lots of folk to be
> away that week as the Monday is a bank holiday and RailsConf USA & Caboose
> Conf start on the Thursday.
> Options obvious to me (and feel free to suggest others) are:
> 1. Move the May or June meetings into this week and run them as normal (if
> slightly out of usual routine)
> 2. Hold a special one-off meeting similar to our normal meetings
> 3. Organise an LRUG Nights
> 4. Organise some kind of LRUG Nights / normal meeting crossover event - in
> a pub, mostly agenda free, but we perhaps try to book space in a pub (maybe
> even one with AV equipment) so that short presentations or demos can happen
> if folk want.
> 5. Do the pub quiz that Tom has lying about.
> Anyone have any thoughts?  Patrick is announcing LWW on Wednesday and he
> thought it'd be quite nice if he could at least put "LRUG will do something
> on Xday evening during LWW" in the announcement.  Option 3 seems like the
> easiest to commit to, but it could easily be "upgraded" to one of the other
> options as we see fit.
> Muz
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