[LRUG] Introductions

Pat Allan pat at freelancing-gods.com
Tue Apr 22 05:53:29 PDT 2008

Hi everyone

Firstly, let me start by introducing myself: my name's Pat Allan, I'm  
a ruby developer based in Melbourne, Australia, and I'll be visiting  
the UK (and thus some Ruby meets) for a month in August.

Secondly: I was wondering if anyone would be interested in holding a  
RailsCamp somewhere in the UK (in August, obviously)? It's something  
we've run a couple of times here in Australia recently - and a third  
one is planned for June - and I'd love to see it spread further.

A quick overview of what I'm suggesting: our events have roughly  
followed a barcamp-like structure, from a Friday afternoon to Monday  
morning, involving plenty of discussions, coding, food and drink, and  
a bit of Wii and Guitar Hero. Location is somewhere away from  
civilisation - we've used venues not uncommon for school camps - bunks  
to sleep on, electricity for laptops, but no internet. Some people  
camp in tents. People pay as small a fee as we can get away with  
without making a loss. We've had around 50 to both events, with all  
levels of Ruby experience.

I realise I am a stranger wandering in and suggesting this - I hope  
I'm not stepping on anyone's toes by doing so, it's just that the  
first two were a massive amount of fun, and I'd love to get it  
happening in another country - to share the love, if you'll excuse my  
idealism ;)

I'll be lurking around in #lrug as much as possible under the moniker  
freelancing_god (timezone difference makes it a tad difficult though)  
if anyone wants to discuss this. I'm happy to make it happen, but I'm  
going to need some support from the locals, particularly with finding  
a decent venue.

Perhaps the best question to ask, though: would you come along to  
something like this?


e: pat at freelancing-gods.com    || m: 0413 273 337
w: http://freelancing-gods.com || p: 03 9386 0928
discworld: http://ausdwcon.org || skype: patallan

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