[LRUG] Some Rails job openings in Cambridge

Antony Evans antonyevansuk at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 6 04:57:55 PDT 2008

What is Alpha sights USP?  Pioneering Knowledge management isn't too descriptive...


Antony Evans
Skype:          antonyevansuk (forwards to mobile)
Mobile:         +1-415-867-2490 (USA)
Mobile:         +44-7876-197-158 (UK)
Lifelong Email: antony.evans at alumni.insead.edu
Hats email:     antony at hooray4hats.com

----- Original Message ----
From: Steve Butterworth <steve at humbletechnologies.com>
To: London Ruby Users Group <chat at lists.lrug.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 6 August, 2008 12:15:14 PM
Subject: [LRUG] Some Rails job openings in Cambridge


I know some people aren't so keen on job postings here so I'll keep it 
short. AlphaSights Ltd are a new venture funded startup with its 
technology team based in Cambridge doing some cool stuff and using Ruby 
on Rails. We are looking for all levels of Rails developer to work out 
of our splendid new offices at St. Johns Innovation Centre.

I know some people from the Cambridge area belong to LRUG (like myself) 
and perhaps some Londoners may be after a quieter life in leafy Cambridge.

More details over at our website...

Interested? email careers at alphasights.com

Thanks for your time.

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