[LRUG] Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer Silver

Simon Tokumine simon at japancentre.com
Tue Aug 12 10:34:06 PDT 2008

Yes, I think I would having sat it -  it would give me confidence in their
ability to use the tools, and would perhaps help to separate those who are
blagging it from legit Ruby developers. I suppose it would also help someone
get into a Ruby position if their current Job and CV didn't reflect their
Ruby skills for whatever reason - some people don't blog or help maintain OS
projects for time constraint reasons, but are really good engineers. It
would help them I think.

Though the test contents were not 'hard" engineering questions or puzzles,
on reflection it was quite broad in its scope. Perhaps because I've been
using Ruby for a couple of years, Ruby oddities which would otherwise be
gotchas just came naturally. Also, as the pass score is 75% (50 questions),
you do have to actually know the Ruby syntax and where Ruby is different
from other languages (to avoid the curve ball questions) to pass.

A modern Rails (or whatever Ruby framework) job requires many other skills
which this test doesn't test for, however it is defiantly proof of exposure
and understanding of the basic tool set.


On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Daniel Tenner <daniel.ruby at tenner.org>wrote:

> If you were an employer, would you consider this certification useful?
> Daniel
> On 11 Aug 2008, at 18:5911 Aug 2008, Simon Tokumine wrote:
> Sorry - RPL is "Ruby Programming Language" book by o'reilly.
> Si
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:50 PM, Simon Tokumine <simon at japancentre.com>wrote:
>> http://www.infoq.com/news/2008/07/rubykaigi-interview-with-matz
>> http://www.ruby-assn.org/certification/programmer/index.html.en
>> I'm not normally one for tests, but I took and passed (woo!) the new Ruby
>> Association Certified Ruby Programmer Silver test today. I booked online via
>> Prometric and sat it at QA-IQ on Roseberry Avenue in Holborn. Cost £80. You
>> get 1.5 hours, but you are done by the end of the hour.
>> The test contents were a bit of a mystery as there are no past papers,
>> however I did find a hard as nails Japanese sample test here:
>> http://projects.netlab.jp/ruby-test/
>> Some thoughts therefore for those non-Japanese speakers who are thinking
>> of taking it:
>> 1) The English questions are pretty easy compared to the Japanese sample
>> paper so don't sweat it
>> 2) Read Chapter 9 of RPL, then read it again.
>> 3) Don't spent any time on learning the command line arguments and
>> Environmental Vars
>> 4) Do spend time on Array Manipulation, Exception handling, Regex
>> 5) Don't really spend so much time on inheritance, mixins etc.
>> 6) It's basically a Ruby grammar test as opposed to a measure of software
>> engineering, so don't expect any questions on DSLs, Duck Typing, or how to
>> implement the Decorator Pattern. Just learn the basics.
>> If anyone's got any questions I'd be happy to answer them, I'll maybe even
>> try and recall some sample questions from memory.
>> Si
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