[LRUG] "The Ruby Programming Language" book by Matz

Xin xin at zenpow.com
Sun Feb 24 00:50:42 PST 2008

I like Ruby Programming my Matz. It's heavy to carry around, sure, but the
API section is definitely useful. I often find myself browsing through it
just to get away from the laptop for a few minutes.

I haven't read the book by David Flanagan and Matsumoto.


On 23/02/2008, Dafydd Rees <daf at dafydd.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anybody here find the prag prog ruby book
> ("Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide") far too long?
> I'm wondering if there's really any point filling up half the book with
> API that's already available on-line?
> I also find a lot of the text verbose and aimed at beginners.
> What I'd really like is something small, concise and definitive like the
> K&C book "The C Programming Language". I'm hoping that this might do the
> job:
> The Ruby Programming Language
> by David Flanagan; Yukihiro Matsumoto
> Anyone got a copy? What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Dafydd
> --
> Dr Dafydd Rees
> www.dafydd.net
> mobile 07968 486880
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