[LRUG] test-driven development and rails question

Thomas R. Koll tomk32 at gmx.de
Thu Feb 28 08:23:34 PST 2008

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> * When rails says "unit tests" does it really mean "unit tests for
> models"?

Yep. Usually I define a few migrations, associations and think about
the method the model will have and write the tests for them before
I think for ruby as a scripting language you shouldn't have any method
in your models that has no tests.

> * .. and does rails see functional testing as "testing one or more of 
> the controllers together"?

no, that's intgrational tests.
the functional is only on controller.

> What if a controller gets complex enough for me to extract a few classes 
> out of it. It doesn't look like rails considers supporting those classes 
> with unit tests.

In theory you can have unit tests for every class. I'm currently working
on one for a dsl and the unit test doesn't look so much different from the 
other unit tests.

ciao, tom
www.TomK32.de -- just a geek trying to change
the world

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