[LRUG] Rails: Loading A Plugin On Each Request

Andrew Stewart boss at airbladesoftware.com
Mon Jan 7 07:15:12 PST 2008

On 7 Jan 2008, at 10:37, James Adam wrote:
> The email to the engines list seems to imply that deleting the lib
> path from load_once_paths does work - I don't think that having the
> engines plugin in an application would make this work when otherwise
> it wouldn't.

It still doesn't make any difference for me on Rails 2.0.2.  I've  
tried with several different plugins.  Have you tried this on Rails  

> Another approach is to simply empty load_once_paths in development;
> see the Rails ticket for more about that.

Again it doesn't work for me.

> A third approach is to ensure that all of your classes are explicitly
> loaded using require_dependency, although this might be less
> practical.

Yes, it's not so practical.  I'd prefer to find a "proper" solution  
using the Dependencies and Plugin modules.

Andy Stewart


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