[LRUG] Who's going to Railsconf Europe in Berlin?

Eleanor McHugh eleanor at games-with-brains.com
Wed Jun 11 11:41:17 PDT 2008

On 11 Jun 2008, at 16:41, Nick Ludlam wrote:
> I once took a couchette to Rome from Paris. I got *some* sleep, but  
> I wouldn't say I was firing on all cylinders the next day, and my g/ 
> f was in an even worse way. YMMV, but I couldn't doing something as  
> mentally energetic as a conference straight from an overnight train.

We ended up in a couchette on the way back last year and it was a  
nightmare. The cabin on the way over though was very comfortable and I  
slept well.
Mind you, anything that allows me to avoid flying is always a plus ;)


Eleanor McHugh
Games With Brains
raise ArgumentError unless @reality.responds_to? :reason

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