[LRUG] [Off Topic] Extracting a user id from a Mambo session

Tom Stuart tom at experthuman.com
Thu May 15 07:56:31 PDT 2008

On 15 May 2008, at 15:32, Andrew Stewart wrote:
> 1.  Grab the cookie which (I assume) Mambo sets when you log in.
> 2.  Extract the user's id from it.
> Once I've got the user's id, everything's simple because the two  
> apps share the same database.

Well, assuming that the cookie's got the user ID in it, right? I know  
nothing at all about Mambo but there's nothing to stop it using  
whatever freaky system it likes (e.g. a filestore that you can't get  
to) to map arbitrary session IDs onto user data, in which case you'd  
be some flavour or other of Shit Out Of Luck.

Hopefully not, though!


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