[LRUG] Yes, there will be a June meeting.

Murray Steele murray.steele at gmail.com
Fri May 30 09:09:08 PDT 2008

Hi all,

The June meeting details have been up on lrug.org for about a week now, but
I haven't mentioned it here because I was waiting for Skills Matter to get
the registration URL ready (turns out the delay here is mostly my fault as I
was emailing someone who wasn't there).  The last time I announced the
meeting before the registration URL was up I got loads of "Hey, Murray
where's the registration URL?" emails, so I wanted to minimise on that.  The
URL still isn't ready, but I've been assured that it'll be ready by Monday,
so I thought I'd let you all know anyway so that you at least know there
will be a meeting in June and what it'll be about.

The super-short version is:

Monday, June 9th, 2008, 6:30pm @ The Old Sessions House (it's more than
likely we'll be here, but you still need to register)

Nick Ludlam: "Ruby as multimedia glue"
A talk about using ruby to stitch MythTV into a Cocoa app, with some on the
fly transcoding using Mongrel, RubyCocoa and other custom ruby code.

Matt Wood: "Genomes on Rails"
How the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is using Rails to help with their
work in sequencing the human genome.

The slightly longer version is:

Once I know the reg link is live El Rug (http://twitter.com/lrug) will tweet
once more and then I'll get round to doing all the other stuff (mailing
here, updating lrug.org, upcoming event, etc...).

Sorry for the delay,

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