[LRUG] Do you think anyone would pay for...

Eleanor McHugh eleanor at games-with-brains.com
Thu May 8 07:43:19 PDT 2008

a consultant to come in and tidy up a Ruby and/or Rails codebase:  
introduce/enforce naming conventions; increase code legibility;  
performance tuning and optimisation; etc.?

I ask for the simple reason that three months of looking for a  
permanent Rails role have left me with the distinct impression that my  
reputation scares the living daylights out of many of those who  
interview me, and the rest don't think they have any sufficiently  
senior roles to offer! I seriously doubt I'm too good to work for  
other people and would love someone to prove me right in this, but  
just in case I'm considering a return to consultancy ;)

Also if anyone knows of a funded startup looking for either a  
Technical Architect or CTO who can code as well I'd be very interested  
in hearing from you. Anything to relieve the monotony of a long hot  
summer (air conditioning a must lol).


Being and Doing are merely useful abstractions for the time-dependent  
asymmetry of phase space.

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