[LRUG] RSpec: Using spec command line tool to run stories

Matt Wynne matt at mattwynne.net
Thu May 29 02:59:05 PDT 2008

Hi all,

I'm just getting to grips with rspec, and I'm trying to put together a
showy demo. We're trying to use the (plain text) stories feature, rather
than the specs. I'd like to show off a fancy HTML report of the results
if possible.

So it seems I can do this from the spec command line tool, but I can't
make it work for a story.

I've got the three files (story.txt, steps.rb, runner.rb) from the
rspec.info homepage, and I can run then by doing
 ruby runner.rb

All groovy so far.

By when I try to do 
 spec runner.rb

It doesn't want to play. I don't get an error message or anything, it
just seems to ignore me.

Does spec support stories, or just specs? If so, what am I doing wrong?

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