[LRUG] Rails 2.2 Haml filter problem - production only

Andrew Stewart boss at airbladesoftware.com
Wed Nov 19 07:49:24 PST 2008

On 19 Nov 2008, at 13:31, Tom Ward wrote:

> Just a stab in the dark, but it might have something to do with class
> pre-loading (http://github.com/rails/rails/commit/3bd34b6ffe017dd81fd26743aab052fc4324eb0f 
> ).
> You could try requiring your smarty_pants file at the start of your
> environment.rb rather than the end and see if that helps.

Thanks, Tom.  That's a good suggestion.  I tried moving the require  
statement to the top of environment.rb, to just before the initialize  
block, and to just before the end of the initialize block...but none  

It has to be to do with the difference between the way Rails sets  
itself up in production and the way it does so in development -- and  
how that difference affects the way Haml registers custom filters.  In  
theory this should be easy to spot by trawling through recent commits  
to Rails.  But I haven't found it yet.


Andy Stewart


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