Chris Mear chrismear at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 14:32:56 PST 2009

On 10 Dec 2009, at 15:57, Anthony Green wrote:

>> .customers
>> outputs:
>>  <div class="customers">
>> #wrapper
>> outputs:
>> <div id="wrapper">
> That's uncomfortable for me. You're already on the road to divititus, and a
> propensity for not using the correct HTML element to represent the data
> structure.

So when a good conscientious web developer starts using Haml they'll suddenly start littering their code with unnecessary divs, and not bothering to use semantically-appropriate elements, simply because Haml makes it three characters easier to use a div than any other tag?

I totally get that it *feels* like it's encouraging bad behaviour, but in practice if you're already a good writer of HTML then Haml isn't going to change you for the worse, and if you're a shitty writer of HTML, then, well, you're already writing shitty HTML.


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