Stephen Bartholomew steve at curve21.com
Mon Dec 14 10:08:21 PST 2009

Good arguments about Haml here.

I'm going to have  to pick you up on the Sass comment though.  I thought the
same - once.

I'll not say much but I will encourage you to check out Compass (
http://compass-style.org/) & Susy (http://www.oddbird.net/susy/).  These
changed my opinion of Sass completely.  It's far, far more than CSS with a
different syntax.  Even if you don't use Haml, Sass is a must IMO.

If you still don't agree, let me know.  I'll find a way to enlighten you :)


Stephen Bartholomew


07729 60 60 79
steve at curve21.com
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