[LRUG] How to fund an open-source project?

Eleanor McHugh eleanor at games-with-brains.com
Sat Dec 19 18:06:16 PST 2009

On 18 Dec 2009, at 12:24, Makoto Inoue wrote:
> Probably the closest company who could benefit from RubyGoLightly is
> Google itself?
> Alternatively, you can suggest Google Go topic for next Google Open
> Source Jam, and do the pitch there.

I have considered Google, although they've always shown a strong reluctance to get involved with Ruby so I think the scenario would be similar to JRuby's involvement with Sun: first get a fairly advanced runtime and then have Google snap up the team. Not a bad plan, but I have the more immediate problem of paying bills in the meantime...

And depending on when the next OS Jam is I'll pop along and see if a quick pitch elicits any interest - after all, the worst that can happen is I turn up and they're out of pizza ;)


Eleanor McHugh
Games With Brains
raise ArgumentError unless @reality.responds_to? :reason

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