[LRUG] Rails Rankings

Stephen Bartholomew steve at curve21.com
Wed Feb 25 09:40:30 PST 2009

I'm not really sure how it works.  It has someone else's repositories  
listed under my name and none of mine.  I'm therefore going to blame  
the site and not our lack of productivity :0)


On 25 Feb 2009, at 17:37, George Palmer wrote:

> Has anybody seen this site?  http://railsrankings.com  I wasn't aware
> of it until today but the top cities list on the right hand side
> caught my eye.  London is currently 3rd but only 2 cities in the top
> 10 are outside the US.  Now look at the coder numbers - London has
> more than anywhere else.  Whilst this info can't be relied on to be
> 100% accurate it does highlight an interesting trend - are we (London
> ruby coders) either a) slack or b) not promoting ourselves and each
> other enough? (or potentially c) something else I've overlooked)
> With that in mind, as I don't believe we're slacking over here, I'd
> like to encourage lrugers to recommend (on workingwithrails) others
> they've worked with/seen present at a conference/used their code.  Now
> don't get me wrong, I don't think we should game the system and
> randomly follow others we don't know but if you've worked with
> somebody, been impressed by a presentation they've done or use one of
> their gems I think it's fair game to recommend them.  If nothing else,
> and everyone else is already doing this, then ignore me whilst I head
> off to workingwithrails and catch up!
> --
> George Palmer
> Freelance Developer
> http://rowtheboat.com
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