[LRUG] Building a CMS from scratch...

Thomas R. Koll tomk32 at gmx.de
Thu Feb 12 16:39:30 PST 2009

Am 12.02.2009 um 18:47 schrieb Sebastian Komianos:
> Now, I can simply go for Wordpress+MediaWiki+vBulletin/SMF and that  
> would make perfect sense. However, I 'd love to challenge my self  
> and try to create a CMS with all these bundled in (or at least, a  
> CMS just to replace WP).

Oh, you mean Mephisto+Simplewiki+Beast? That would be adva_cms for you.
Sven Fuchs (i18n) started to bundle all three apps last year. As I'm  
helping to
develop new engines for it I can say that it might be just what you  
are looking for.
Please check it out and let us know about bugs or anything else that  
is more
complicated than it should be.


ciao, tom

Thomas R. "TomK32" Koll <> http://ananasblau.com
just a geek trying to change the world

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